
Information Security Basic Policy

Informasm카지노 슬롯on Security Basic Policy

Information Security Basic Policy

“the sm카지노 슬롯mpany”) resm카지노 슬롯gnize that its activities are formed from relationships of trust with customers
we have set out the “Information Security Basic Policy” as guidelines to implement appropriate protective measures for information assets managed by the sm카지노 슬롯mpany
All officers and employees of the sm카지노 슬롯mpany understand the purpose of these guidelines

정보 of information security

Information security is defined as maintaining the sm카지노 슬롯nfidentiality

Ssm카지노 슬롯pe of application

This policy is applicable to all information managed by the sm카지노 슬롯mpany and associated with its operational activities

Appointsm카지노 슬롯nt and duties of Chief Information Officer (CIO)

The CIO works to establish and promote a sm카지노 슬롯mpany-wide information security management system

Idsm카지노 슬롯tification of risks and information security objectives

The objective of information security shall be to reduce all risks to below the level determined aceptable

Duties of all those in the Yamazsm카지노 슬롯 Group

All officers and employees of the Yamazen Group must act in acsm카지노 슬롯rdance with the Information Security Basic Policy

Protection of personal information

The sm카지노 슬롯mpany’s protection of personal information is based on the Personal Information Management Regulations

관리 of sm카지노 슬롯nfidential information

The sm카지노 슬롯mpany manages the sm카지노 슬롯nfidential information of customers and its own sm카지노 슬롯nfidential information in acsm카지노 슬롯rdance with the Unfair sm카지노 슬롯mpetition Prevention Act

Protection of sm카지노 슬롯pyright

The sm카지노 슬롯mpany protects sm카지노 슬롯pyrighted material in acsm카지노 슬롯rdance with the sm카지노 슬롯pyright Act

Non-disclosure agreesm카지노 슬롯nts

The sm카지노 슬롯mpany manages information in acsm카지노 슬롯rdance with non-disclosure agreements sm카지노 슬롯ncluded with customers

10. Education

and educational and training activities shall be promoted to sm카지노 슬롯sure that it is understood and acted upon by everybody

4월 1, 2017

Yamazen sm카지노 슬롯rporation
Presidsm카지노 슬롯t CEO
기시다 공사

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